Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gobble Gobble Muthafuccas.....

Yeah I couldn't get my sound to act right just turn ya fuckin volume up...LOL

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We Gon' Party Like its my Birthday cause it's my Muthaflucking Birthday

Aight people well today I hit the big 30 the kid ain't a kid no more as I awoke on this milestone of a day you know it felt the same as yesterday and is gonna feel the same as tomorrow. My cousin claims he wants to do something for me because it's my birthday and blah blah blah but I'm not a big person about my birthday it's never really been that big of deal to me so no if you don't give me a birthday shout out I won't mind. So I'm thinking should I get sloppy drunk and give people reason to talk about me tonight or should I just relax with the folks and talk shit and reminisce ahh decisions decisions.......